tick, tack until I crack

Depression. It is a hard one, being depressed suffering from depression. I say the word repeatedly because it needs to sink in, it needs to be absorbed. I have been suffering from depression for years, it is depressing I tell ya. Waking up and wanting a drink, watching your mind climb within itself again and…

Secretos del Agua. Sun Range – Product and labelling

Working on the Secretos del Agua, sun range project required a lot of detailed research. This company is well known, not only for it’s amazing hair and body care, but also for the organic ingredients used in their products.  Not only, was this project a labour of love it was extremely interesting to learn about…

inside out

I am really frustrated with this world. I mean, we have to work hard for what we want but yet it is still unattainable and that just infuriates me to the core. I guess it is that constant        ” American dream ” we strive for. That notion that when one works hard…

My mind, to follow or to flow

I have always wondered what the problem was. I feel that my mind and my superficial mouth and body acts differently, more that my mind knows the true me and my mouth tries to look for conformity. Why though? why do I go against the strongest part of me? It is like anyone could ask…

No more Nay’s, Just YAY’S!!

So, I have decided to do something different. I thought that it would be nice to document, what I have done thus far in terms of losing weight and staying “healthy-ish”. I went on a huge body overhaul just before the new year, bordering on being extremely overweight, downright obese! I knew I needed to…

To be alone or not to be?

I guess that there are phases that every relationship goes through. The times you argue all the time and you just can’t see the sun through the insane amounts of shit, being shat over you. Now, this isn’t necessarily someone else’s shit, this could just be your own personal shit. Like, emotional instabilities, insecurities ,…

Does it ever stop?

So, the upside of loving someone and being in a committed relationship is ?????????? I struggle to think of these beautiful moments every other couple has, that I seem to be lacking within my own.  But, I am not sure! everyday has its own struggles for us to be happy, sad, angry or just content….

Life, Love & Everything!!

So, I am getting so tired of this idea of the “perfect relationship” having been in one for the last ten years, I feel like screaming out loud,  THERE IS NO PRINCE CHARMING AND NO PRINCESSES!! RELATIONSHIPS ARE HARD AND REQUIRES WORK! on both sides. I cannot stand the, he needs to treat me like this…


THE BEST CHICKEN SANDWICH EVER!! So, I will stick to the truth, the whole and nothing but the truth! I have been to this place a few times now and like I said before, it is very important to go often and at different times in the day, to get the full “customer service experience”…

Cocktails Delight!

So, I have actually taken a minute to think about this bar! Because I would like to give a full and detailed description of my experience. The first time I went to Oscar I was quite delighted by my experience, it was a hot day and my boyfriend and I had always wanted to go….